The internet is taking security and privacy much more seriously. After years of high profile breaches and leaks the public’s perception has changed regarding their personal data. More scrutiny is being given to the websites we use, their terms of service, and what information we’re willing to provide on a daily basis. Due to the… Read more
Nonprofit professionals are experiencing some of the same trends as their colleagues in the business sector, but the way in which nonprofits interpret and react to these trends differs. The Price of Technology Technology is big, constant and changing. Nonprofits must stay abreast of what’s new and understand how technology can be applied to their… Read more
At The Martin Group, great ideas and results really are a group effort. They come from remarkably talented individuals that we form into equally remarkable teams. Meet Kira Csakany, a creative supervisor on our Creative Team. Where were you working before The Martin Group and in what role? Before coming on board at The… Read more
By Dick Shaner, Jr., Senior Vice President, and Emily Pumm, Multi-media Specialist Whether you’re getting ready for an on-camera media interview or preparing to appear in a video to represent your organization, you’ll want to take all necessary steps to help make a positive impression. Over the years I’ve had two negative experiences that… Read more
Does receiving an interview request send you into an instant panic and a cold sweat? Are you one of the 75% of people who suffer from glossophobia, a fear of public speaking? Would you rather do pretty much anything other than sitting in front of a camera and talking to a reporter? Brands, we have… Read more
You might think that including a ping-pong table and dartboard as part of your office floor plan (or budget) might be a waste of space and dollars, but at The Martin Group, they contribute to our firm’s atmosphere and employees’ creativity. Most of what you’ll read below is a reflection of the ways in which… Read more
What do you think are the most important ingredients for a successful website? Based on our previous interviews with project stakeholders, most people focus on the design, the messaging, the content and the functionality. I wouldn’t disagree with any of these answers, but one important factor missing from that list: your website’s speed. Modern website… Read more
What a game. Great job Eagles! Now for the ads. Our team broke down their most (and least) favorites that aired during last night’s game. What were your most and least favorite ads? The commercial that stuck with me the most was Budweiser’s “Stand by Me”. With all the natural disasters this past year,… Read more
So you want to make a video. Now what? Read more