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3 min read

Finding New Audiences

Every business would love to have an unlimited budget to find new customers and increase sales. From strategy, media buying, public relations, and creative, there are endless opportunities to increase your brand’s visibility and awareness. Realistically, most small to midsize businesses do not have the luxury of endless funds to market to everyone. That being…  Read more

6 min read

Making Sure Your Diversity Has Inclusion

October is known for many observances, and now, arguably one of the most important of the month, Diversity Awareness. No matter what industry, city, or even country you live in, the effects of diversity, or the lack thereof, play a vital role in how organizations function.  Brands and businesses, at the organizational level, are responsible…  Read more

7 min read

Navigating A Global Pandemic

In a year of tragedy and change, this fall has been marked by even more uncertainty trying to figure out the impact that back-to-school, colder weather, and shorter days will bring as we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. The Martin Group has been operating 100% remote since March when the pandemic began. After receiving…  Read more

8 min read

How A Global Pandemic is Driving the Future of PR

Here we are, in the midst of global pandemic and it’s forcing brands to take a hard look at how they are communicating with their audiences.  Many brands are reevaluating campaign priorities, messaging, and tactics. It’s not surprising. Significant events, especially crises that can be felt on a national or global scale, are known to…  Read more

3 min read

Meet the Team: Christine Goodwin

What was your path to what you’re doing now Christine: My family is full of creative minds, which influenced my love for all types of creative mediums. I always knew I’d be in this industry but was unsure which avenue to pursue. After a nudge from my parents towards a degree in graphic design, I…  Read more

7 min read

Blurring the Lines Between Ads and Entertainment

Historically, marketing occurred in two spots during television and movies: clear commercial breaks or product placement. Both expensive options only the nation’s biggest brands were privy to. But, as with anything within this industry, the onset of social media has brought accessibility to the masses. With the dollars to reach large audiences in the hundreds…  Read more

4 min read

COVID-19 + Influencer Marketing

As the effects of the COVID-19 lockdown continue to disrupt business and creators’ summer plans, many consumer-facing influencers (fashion, fitness, food & beverage, etc.) have been able to easily adjust to creating appropriate content for the pandemic. Forbes shows influencers are more influential than ever with: Increased traffic to their social channels and website blogs…  Read more

6 min read

Back to School Like Never Before

As college students finish gearing up for the new school year, the usual late-August concerns – Did I buy the right books? Do I know how to get to all my classes? – seem quaint in comparison to the unprecedented uncertainty that COVID will bring to the fall semester.  For the communications departments of our…  Read more

4 min read

Meet the Team: Lee Rowland

What was your path to what you’re doing now? Lee Rowland: After graduating from RIT in 2003, I worked at a few local agencies as a junior art director, then art director. I took a hiatus from agency life in 2008 after having my second daughter to focus on raising my kids and worked as…  Read more