Inspiration can come from the strangest places. So when a Friday afternoon Creative Team debate over the best Fake Brands of all-time picked up steam, it blossomed into an office-wide email chain and enchanting journey through some memorable creations from TV and film.
What the heck are we talking about? Though product placement has become an increasingly lucrative business, movies and TV shows continue to create made-up brands for their programming, some with robust campaigns and logos behind them. Are they better than what we talented advertising and branding agencies come up with? That’s a debate for another day. But for now, check out this crazy list, and comment below with your favorites.
Senior Art Director Barbara Riso
Soul Glo, Coming to America
Creative Director Dave Riley
Bubba Gump, Forrest Gump
Digital Designer/Developer Josh Robinson
Red Apple Cigarettes: Quentin Tarantino films; Buy-N-Large, WALL-E; Dunder Mifflin, The Office
Senior Art Director Rick Calzi
McDowell’s, Coming to America
Senior VP, Public Relations Dick Shaner, Jr
Buzz Beer, The Drew Carey Show
VP, Creative Director Greg Meadows
Smylex, Batman; Colon Blow, Saturday Night Live; It’s Log, Ren & Stimpy
Junior Art Director Andrew Henesey
Ablixa, Side Effects; Suntory, Lost in Translation; Mendel’s, Grand Budapest Hotel
Senior Brand Manager Kristen Perri
Vitameatavegamin, I Love Lucy
Social Media Manager John Jiloty
Prestige Worldwide, Step Brothers
Senior Art Director Lianne Coogan
Big Kahuna Burger, Pulp Fiction
Media Buyer/Planner Shannon McCabe
Sex Panther, Anchorman
Production Designer Monica Alescio
Chotchkie’s, Office Space
Copywriter Jennifer Hoffmire
Duff Beer, The Simpsons
Senior Art Director Rick Calzi
Pawtucket Patriot Ale, Family Guy
Senior Art Director Andrea Elliott
Hooli, Pied Piper, Silicon Valley
Brand Coordinator Marilynn Militello
Holy Shirts and Pants, Wedding Crashers
Senior Art Director Rob Hopkins
Crowtein, Kitten Mittons, Paddy’s Egg, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Copywriter Andrew Ucci
Bag-O’ Line, Saturday Night Live