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Rewarding Awards.

1 min read
March 31, 2015


Serving as Presenting Agency at the annual Advertising Club of Buffalo’s ADDY Awards isn’t an easy task. It involves branding, concepting and event management for Western New York’s awards show that honors the best in marketing and advertising. It also involves following in the footsteps of many other talented agencies and presenting to a discerning audience of opinionated peers.

We took this year’s event in a bit of a different direction, using “See, the ADDYs ARE Rewarding” as the theme and lacing in a host of local entertainers to spice up the evening and keep attendees on their toes. So whether you won, lost or just ate your weight in crab balls, we trust this year’s ADDYs rewarded those who attended.

It was certainly a rewarding experience for us.

Special thanks to our talented performers:

Michael Sauvageau – Magician
The Observers – Opening Band
Eric Borketey Ansuade – African Dance Warrior
Maria Rola – Hoopnosis
Kevin Cain – Emcee/Comedian
Geoff Kelly – Poet, Editor-In-Chief, The Public
Allasane Sarr and N’Dias – Afterparty Band
David Adamczyk – Violinist
Queen City Roller Girls ­– Ice Cream Servers

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