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A positive Appeal.

1 min read
February 27, 2015

The Martin Group partnered with Catholic Charities of Buffalo to conceive a theme for the 2015 Appeal, the organization’s annual fundraising campaign now in its 91st year. Our concept— “Find Good Within: protecting. strengthening. empowering.” – considers everyone has a story of how they got to where they are in life. It is about setting aside our preconceived notions, opening our hearts and looking inside ourselves to see the good in others. This concept also allows us to highlight the good within Catholic Charities as an organization, showcasing the many programs it offers, as well as the good happening within the community because of it. The creative was executed for a number of uses including outdoor, radio and print advertising, and prayer cards featuring St. Francis of Assisi, this year’s patron saint. TMG is also working with Catholic Charities on a proactive public relations campaign to help the region’s most comprehensive human service agency achieve its ambitious $10.9 million goal.



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