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Employee Spotlight: Katie Steelman and Michelle Anlyn

October 30, 2018

At The Martin Group, great ideas and results really are a group effort. They come from remarkably talented individuals that we form into equally remarkable teams. Meet Katie Steelman, proofreader and copy editor, and Michelle Anlyn, senior production designer; they both joined our Rochester team in [the spring of 2018?]!

Do you have any kids?

Michelle: Yes, two kids ages 15 and 11.
Katie: No kids, but I have a family dog – a 15-year-old cockapoo named Phoebe.

Favorite “guilty pleasure” show?

Katie: The Great British Bakeoff, and Holiday Baking Championship on Food Network.
Michelle: I don’t really watch TV much, but I love Grey’s Anatomy.

What do you drink in the morning?

Katie: Coffee, usually flavored. I do love a good peppermint mocha or PSL.
Michelle: OJ and coffee.

Favorite color?

Michelle: Blue (any, but I really like navy the best).
Katie: Purple.

Would you be a pirate?

Michelle: Interesting…is this a career path option with The Martin Group? If so, I guess count me in. It’s the better option to walking the plank.
Katie: Nah, matey – I’m a bit lily-livered when it comes to the open sea.

Favorite animal?

Katie: Dog, panda.
Michelle: My dog.

Learn more about Katie, Michelle, and the rest of the The Martin Group team.

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