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15 Years at The Martin Group: Lianne Coogan

3 min read
July 29, 2024

The Martin Group: Congratulations on 15 years with The Martin Group. What has been your favorite part about working here?

Lianne Coogan: Hands down the top two things are:

  1. Our people – We’ve always had an amazing group of people here, and thank god, because I spend an awful amount of time with them.
  2. Our client roster – Fun clients equal fun creative work, and it was the main reason I wanted to work here in the first place.

TMG: How has your typical workday changed over the past decade?

LC: Becoming a mom and the pandemic really changed the game – years back, I practically lived at the office and was totally okay with it. Nowadays there’s a much bigger work/life balance, agency wide.

TMG: What’s the biggest challenge in your position, and how do you handle these challenges on a weekly basis?

LC: Technology. Always technology. And I deal with it by complaining loudly.

TMG: Is there an industry development you’re particularly excited about? If so, what is it, and why does it interest you?

LC: AI (although kind of terrifying) is pretty wild. Whether for better or worse, I see its influence more and more in the creative process. We’re entering an era where tasks like discovering the perfect stock photo or illustration, crafting custom music, generating mockups, or formatting templates will become significantly easier on our end. Alternatively, who knows, there’s the looming possibility it may take our jobs entirely.

TMG: You’ve had a few days off in your 10 years here. What would your ideal day off look like, wake up to bedtime?

LC: A full day at Niagara-on-the-lake. Wineries, meals, shopping, live music. The whole shebang.

TMG: Finally, if you met someone who hoped to find success in a position like yours, what’s the one piece of critical advice you’d offer to them?

LC: Be present. I can’t stress enough how invaluable it is, especially in today’s post-pandemic hybrid workforce, to be AROUND. Go to the office, converse with your peers, establish relationships, listen, be collaborative, offer up help. Be seen and heard. Be a sponge. When you’re engaged, you’re more top of mind, and more opportunities will head your direction.

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